Friday, June 6, 2014


It’s time to believe in yourself! God gave you abilities, natural talents, intellect, personality and willpower! He says if you delight in Him He will give you the desires of your heart! What are the desires of your heart? Who do you want to become? What do you want to accomplish? Why do you doubt yourself and criticize yourself and talk yourself out of your dreams?

You have enough critics! You don't need one more, especially not yourself! You have the power to do more than you ever thought you could do. God has faith in you! I have faith in you! Have faith in yourself!

Stop letting your past define you! It doesn't have any real power or presence in the world. It exists only in your mind. Stop trying to go back to a place that doesn't exist! Stay rooted in your present. Don't worry about tomorrow, each day has enough to keep you engaged. Today, this day, matters! The present is where you will make your impact on the world. The present is where you can begin to change lives, starting with your own.

You've got to take care of you! You want to take care of other people but listen, you cannot give what you do not have! If you don't take care of you, you won't be around to take care of anyone else. There's a reason the airlines tell you to put your own oxygen mask on first before you try to help someone else.

While you are rooted in the present, keep your feet pointed toward the future! You redefine your future when you redesign your present. Take a fearless inventory of yourself every night! Look at your health, your career, your finances, your relationship, your self-esteem, etc. What's the balance sheet look like? What line items do you want to look differently? Do you realize that you have the power and authority to set that plan in motion?

Revisit your goals every morning and ask yourself what you are doing on a daily basis to bring those plans to fruition. Resolve to take at least one positive step in the right direction. Don't try to do everything at once! Just do something!

Are you on track for your big picture plans and goals? Or are you off course, chasing squirrels? You have to daily monitor your progress and make sure you course correct quickly. No one runs in a perfect straight line but your path to success and significance in life will be shortest and most direct by keeping your eyes firmly fixed on your primary goal.

Above all, be teachable! Be coachable! Figure out what you want to do and then find someone that has already done it and hire them to assist you. Hire them so you can save yourself time and costly mistakes.

There’s no secret to success but there IS a system to success! Once you learn and implement that system, you’re golden. I promise you that you have something special, something you can believe in. It's right inside you and we just need to bring it to the surface! Believe in yourself! You were designed and destined for significance!

I'll give everything I've got
to help you become
everything you want to be!
The Great Adventure!
~~ Greg ~~

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