I've lost a lot in the last few months, job, friends, security, etc. It's an exciting time because I feel like God is calling me forward but its always pretty stressful. Especially the getting fired and then REALLY getting FIRED parts! I've still got the "beautiful scars" of my miracle on my hands and face to remind me daily of God's goodness. He is The God of Second Chances.
Anyway, I had just finished creating a phoenix graphic and my blog post and was driving when I suddenly felt one of those Holy Spirit nudges to turn on the radio. It's usually tuned to KLOVE and a scant two seconds after I turned it on, this song by The Afters called "Broken Hallelujah" started playing. I am sure I have probably heard this song before, probably several times, but I have evidently never really listened to the lyrics before.
So, as the first verse kicked in, I both laughed and cried at the goodness, provision and encouragement of God in making sure I was listening to this song, in it's entirety today at that particular moment in time as I was spending $300 on emergency treatment of my dog Lilly as well. Just to pile it on, you know. :) Suffice to say 2013 has been a pretty tough year for me and my household and my current headaches and perpetual dizziness are currently the latest challenge kind of getting the better of me today.
I identified with MOST of the lyrics of the song. One phrase in the early part of the first verse, just three phrases in, does not fit where I am and I was struck by just how thankful I am for that truth. The author, speaking of God, says: "And I wonder where You are" - I have certainly had those crises of faith moments in my past but thank God, I have no doubts or worries about where God is in my life right now. That's the line that made me laugh and cry the first time during the song. I said out loud "Oh, I know right where you are Lord! You are underneath me, holding on tight and keeping me standing. You are all that's keeping me standing, so I know You are here. I am VERY aware of You! Thank You."
Then, much of the rest of the song did speak to me, so I grabbed it on iTunes as soon as I could and I have listened and sang along many times today in a day of private worship and renewal. I'm still very sick, still feeling very isolated and abandoned by most of the people I knew in this world, still facing a very uncertain future of course, but also still not worried because I know right where He is and I know He will make beauty from all the ashes of my life. That's what He always does. I felt led to share the lyric video for the song from Youtube with my Blogging World this early morning/late night. Hope it connects with someone else like it did me today and that it is just what you needed to hear today too. God bless you. Remember, God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life! YOU ARE The Great Adventure and He WILL make beauty from your ashes too if you let Him.
Here's the link - http://youtu.be/Fo3DudOzV4k
I'll give everything I've got to help you become everything you want to be!
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