Friday, May 24, 2013
Run The Race
In June, I'll be speaking every Sunday morning at Fellowship of Faith Church in Rio Grande, OH. I'm calling this series of talks: "The Journey: Run the Race!"
RUNNING THE RACE is a metaphor for pursuing your God-given dreams in life. I’m going to challenge each of you to go through a process with me over those next four weeks of identifying your primary passion in life, your biggest dream, the thing you’ve always wanted to accomplish, the area you have most wanted to succeed.
Once we’ve identified that "one thing" for you, I’m going to show you how to effectively pursue it and actually attain it. I'll show you that you can not only RUN THE RACE, you can WIN!
A genuine God-given dream is a picture and a blueprint of a person’s purpose and potential! Those two are inseparable. What your potential is, is what your purpose is, and what your purpose is, is what your potential can be.
There are actually four reasons that keep people from RUNNING THE RACE, from realizing their dreams.
1) Some people have been discouraged from dreaming by others.
2) Some people are hindered by past disappointments and hurts.
3) Some people get in the comfortable habit of settling for average/mediocrity.
4) Some people lack the confidence needed to pursue their dreams.
I've got a lot more to share. I hope you will join me at Fellowship of Faith in June!
Pursue Your Passion! Life is a Great Adventure!
~ G
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Leadership Mastermind Groups Forming

I am going to be launching a couple of free "Mastermind Groups" here in our area in just a few weeks. I am planning MMGs in Athens, Chillicothe, Point Pleasant, Gallipolis and Jackson. Mastermind Groups are weekly groups of 7-10 people that will meet together with me for ten weeks for 1 hour discussion each week. We will read and discuss John's incredible leadership teaching on what we call "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership."
If you aren't familiar with it yet, let me just say it will revolutionize your leadership ability. Whether you want to improve your leadership of self, leadership of your family, leadership of your ministry or church or leadership of your business, the MMG if a LIFE CHANGER!
I'll share my training and insights from my John Maxwell training with you but I also know that you will have incredible insights for me and the rest of the group as well. By the end of the ten weeks, we will ALL be stronger and more effective leaders.
I have a short list of specific people I am inviting to be part of these two groups, people I believe are at a point in life where they want to experience more, more clarity, more purpose, more fulfillment, more influence, more impact and more success. If that sounds like you as well, and you would like to be part of one of these small group experiences, please let me know and I will send you more information.
Again, this study is completely FREE. Your only cost for the ten weeks would be to purchase a copy of the 2007 edition of John's book: "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership." if you don't have it already. has it for $8 for the Kindle or $12 in hardback. Let me know right away if you are interested. Spots are going to get filled very quickly once I put out some personal invitations and each group will be strictly limited to a maximum of ten participants.
Let's Do This!
Coach Greg Scott
Monday, May 13, 2013
... someone entirely focused on you!
... someone who is your biggest fan!
... someone who accepts you right where you are but cares about you too much to leave you there!
... someone who is constantly spurring you on to be all you were meant to be!
... someone who is actually actively listening to you rather than just hearing you!
... someone who holds you accountable to your dreams and aspirations!
... someone who is insatiably curious about who you are and who you intend to be!
... someone who is often more committed to what you want to achieve in life than you are!
... someone who has no agenda other than your personal growth and success!
... someone who sees the enormity of your true self and potential!
... someone who will help you finally break free of the prison of the self-limiting, self-talk that has sabotaged your growth and success in the past!
A Life Coach is all that, and more...
Life Coaching...
... IS A POWERFUL & EMPOWERING HUMAN RELATIONSHIP in which professionally trained coaches assist people to design their future rather than just get over their past. Through a typically long-term relationship, coaches aid clients in creating visions and goals for all aspects of their lives, as well as providing multiple strategies to support achieving those goals. Coaches recognize the brilliance of each client and their personal power to discover their own solutions when provided with support, accountability, and unconditional positive regard.
... IS AN ONGOING PARTNERSHIP designed to help clients produce fulfilling results in their personal AND professional lives. Coaches help people improve their performance and enhance the quality of their lives. Coaches are trained to actively listen, observe, and customize their approach to individual client needs. They awaken and inspire solutions and strategies from the client, and they believe the client is naturally creative and resourceful. The coach’s job is to provide support to enhance the skills, resources, and creativity that the client already has, but has yet to fully recognize or utilize in their life.
... PROVIDES CLARITY about what you want, why you want it, and how you can get it. Sometimes we know exactly where it is we want to go with our lives but we just aren’t sure how to get there. Sometimes we know we aren’t happy in life but we don’t really know why. Life Coaching will benefit you by helping you set and reach the goals you really want to achieve, by distinguishing between what you could do, should do, ought to do and really want to do. When you create an ideal goal - something you really want – you are more likely to take action to achieve it. A Life Coach works with you to create a step by step plan – a dynamic, workable plan enabling you to clearly identify your dreams - and then coaches you every step of the way to make sure you achieve them!
... HELPS YOU BRIDGE THE GAPS between where you are now and where you want to be in significant areas of growth in your life. Life Coaches truly believe, “If you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always got, and to get where you really want to get, you need to do something different.” Life Coaching will help you build the bridges you need to move from who you are now to discover the preferred you that you envision and want to become!
... PROVIDES STRATEGIES AND TECHNIQUES which assist you to reach your goals faster. Life Coaches have many tools and techniques at our disposal to quickly draw out the way forward for you. Through coaching you will discover more options than you ever thought were possible. Coaches use insightful and challenging questions to help you decide which path is the right one for you. Having decided on what actions you need to take, a Life Coach will ensure that you are 100% committed to achieving them and help you adapt or shift strategies when the need arises.
... INFUSES YOU WITH THE ABILITY TO OVERCOME YOUR LIMITING BELIEFS like low confidence, fears, doubts, insecurities and other obstacles to growth and fulfillment. We all have thoughts and opinions about our abilities, going on inside our head constantly. Often our self-limiting, self-talk tells us what we can’t do, why we can’t do it, and we focus on the worst case scenario if we tried. Life Coaches call these thoughts “limiting beliefs” because they actually do limit your progress in life, they literally stop you from moving forward. We find ourselves paralyzed and frustrated!
Limiting Beliefs are the thoughts we have about ourselves that are very often based on no particular fact. They are built up over time from what we are told during childhood, schooling and adult life. We often inherit limiting beliefs from family, friends, teachers, the media, our culture and our peers. Your limiting beliefs can infect you with low confidence and insecurities and often become huge obstacles to achieving what you actually can achieve.
Through embracing and activating what I call your “God-Given Force Of Will,” combined with wise guidance, feedback and unconditional positive regard from your coach, in time you can overcome all of your limiting beliefs. A Life Coach will help you change your thoughts into more positive ones that will enable you to move forward and overcome any and all obstacles in your way to becoming the successful and joyful person you want to be.
... HELPS YOU EXPLORE AND EVALUATE all possible options available to you in a safe, affirming and non-judgmental relationship. In order to achieve your goal you need to take massive, positive action! A Life Coach will help you discover more options for those action steps than you ever thought were possible. You will be able to evaluate the pros and cons of each option, in relation to achieving your goal, to ensure that the action fits well with your values, beliefs and the rest of your life. You’ll be able to reach for more and still maintain a balanced life while doing it. You’ll have more time for the people and things you value, so you’ll feel more fruitful and more fulfilled.
... IS A RELATIONSHIP FULLY DEDICATED TO YOU and your success is our only interest. Your Life Coach is the one relationship in your life where it’s okay for the relationship to be all about you. Life Coaches provide dedicated time, support, encouragement and motivation. How great would it be to have someone who is 100% dedicated to helping you, in your corner, all the time, fully committed to helping you to achieve your dream? Your Life Coach will give you this dedicated time; they will support you, celebrate successes with you and help motivate you along the way. How often do you speak with a friend about a problem and it ends up being about them and what they did? Your Life Coach is only interested in you, your goals and supporting you to make sure you reach them!
... IS AN INVESTMENT YOU MAKE IN YOURSELF, and it will benefit your entire life. Life Coaching is an investment in your future happiness. The investment is comparable to a monthly gym membership, a monthly cell phone bill for the household, or a dinner/movie date once a week – all of which bring you only short-term gains. The big difference is that through Life Coaching you will be equipped with tools and techniques that you can use again and again for the rest of your life.
I believe in the value of Life Coaching so highly that I have a Life Coach of my own and I highly recommend a perpetual relationship with a Life Coach. Typically, I recommend a minimum twelve week commitment to start with, in order to experience real, positive and lasting change, but I don’t require you to lock yourself in. You can take it one week at a time if you prefer.
I hope this answers some of your questions about Life Coaching. Please let me know if you would like to schedule a free introductory session with me soon to explore coaching further or if you have any other questions. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Remember, Life Coaching is an investment in YOU that will benefit you throughout your entire life!
Believe in yourself!
You are worth it!
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